NutriLock™ и TauroLock™ растворы вводятся в устройства для центрального венозного доступа для предотвращения образования биопленки, инфекций и окклюзии.
Fields of application
Where patients benefit from our lock solutions
Intensive care units
Patients in ICU can be treated with TauroLock™ or TauroLock™-HEP100, depending on their medical condition.
NutriLock™ and TauroLock™ solutions
Our product range
TauroLock™ is recommended for instillation in all central-venous access systems. It prevents the formation of bacterial biofilms and improves the patency rate.
TauroLock™-U25.000 ensures a particularly strong protection against catheter-related complications. It contains taurolidine, 4 % citrate, and 25,000 IU urokinase.
TauroLock™-Hep100 is suitable for patients who previously relied on heparin-based lock solutions. Central-venous catheters remain infection-free and maintain a high patency rate.
TauroPharm™ at international events
Meet us at medical fairs and conventions across the globe