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To meet the needs of different patients, we have developed a range of specialised catheter lock solutions. TauroLock™-HEP100 is an option for those who have previously used heparin as an anti-occlusive agent. 


Indication and effect

TauroLock™-HEP100 has been approved for instillation in all central-venous access systems. This lock solution prevents the formation of a bacterial biofilm and thereby protects patients against catheter-related infections. At the same time, it ensures a high patency rate. We recommend TauroLock-HEP100 for CVCs in oncology and parenteral nutrition.


TauroLock™-Hep100 contains three active ingredients:

  • taurolidine
  • heparin (100 units per ml)
  • citrate (4 %)

Taurolidine has a broad antimicrobial activity (incl. MRSA and VRE) against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungi (e.g. Candida). Heparin and citrate both help to prevent occlusions within the catheter. 


In-between treatment sessions, TauroLock™-HEP100 is instilled into the saline-flushed access system. Please note that medical staff must respect the filling volume of each catheter or port system.

Expert recommendations


Taurolidine-based lock solutions such as TauroLock™-HEP100 are recommended in national and international guidelines. For patients suffering from heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT), we offer two heparin-free alternatives:




Patients diagnosed with HIT should not use TauroLock™-HEP100 for their vascular access system (VAD). Instead, we recommend TauroLock™ and/or TauroLock™-U25.000.


TauroLock™ is not suitable for patients who:

  • have displayed a hypersensitive reaction to citrate or taurolidine
  • are taking medication that interferes with either citrate, heparin, or taurolidine


TauroLock™-HEP100 must be aspirated before the next treatment. 

Package sizes

TauroLock™-HEP100 is available in ampoules of 3 ml (single dose,10 ampoules per box).

Storage & transport

TauroLock™-HEP100 must be stored at temperatures between 15 °C and 30 °C. While ampoules are designed for single use, vials remain usable within a period of 48 hours. Please note that you must not freeze TauroLock™-HEP100 under any circumstances.

More about TauroLock™-HEP100


National guideline recommendations, e.g. GPOH 2018:

“Lock solutions containing taurolidine are recommended for the prevention of CVAD-associated infections.”

GPOH recommendations for TauroLock™-HEP100 in oncology

21.4 Taurolidine for the Prophylaxis against CVAD-related Infection

Lock solutions containing Taurolidine are recommended for the prevention of CVAD-associated Infections (scientific evidence Cat. IB, problem: reimbursement in outpatient care).

Taurolidine containing lock solutions are also recommended for paediatric-oncologic patients on cyclized (home-)parenteral nutrition if an infusion-free interval of at least 4 hours is available (Cat. IB for patients on home-parenteral nutrition).

23.6.3 Taurolidine-Lock for adjuvant therapy

Taurolidine (e.g. 1.35% Taurolidine, 4% Citrate) can be used as adjuvant measure during systemic treatment with antibiotics (Cat. II). The minimal dwell time in the catheter lumen is 4 hours.

Study by Tribler et al. on TauroLock™-HEP100 in parenteral nutrition (2017)

“…In patients with intestinal failure who are life dependent on HPS, the taurolidine-citrate-heparin catheter lock demonstrates a clinically substantial and cost-beneficial reduction of CRBSI occurrence in a high-risk population compared with heparin…”

Study by Handrup et al. on lock solutions in oncology (2013)

“…Locking of long-term tunneled CVC with taurolidine significantly reduces catheter-related bloodstream infections in children with cancer...“


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